What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy. What does dialectical mean? In very simplistic terms it is the synthesis of two opposite ways of thinking/behaving. The point is to increase/balance our perspective and to think in less extreme ways. It is less black or white, this or that, right or wrong, and more learning to see and understand both sides of a situation. To recognize and validate that there are “kernels of truth” in each polar opposite.

DBT is dialectical behavior therapy. DBT was developed by Marsha Linehan, PhD, in the 80’s to treat persons suffering with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. To date it’s efficacy includes individuals with severe, complex, and emotion-based problems including suicidality and self-harm. From a DBT perspective, it is believed that if you have trouble controlling, managing, or tolerating emotions there is often associated impulsive and problematic, dysfunctional behaviors (problems with anger, unstable relationships, self-damaging, impulsive behaviors, ruminative thinking, and/or chronic emptiness and low self-esteem).

The problematic behaviors interfere with a person’s ability to effectively solve problems. These behaviors can manifest in limitless ways. If the behavior prevents you from living the life you want… it is likely problematic.

In my opinion as a clinician, what sets DBT apart from many types of therapy is how structured the treatment is. DBT is a little of “talk therapy” and it’s also “now that we’ve talked about it, this is how we fix it.” One of the core assumptions in DBT is “clients may not have caused all of their own problems, but they have to solve them anyway."

What does treatment with DBT look like?

Weekly individual psychotherapy

  • Goals of therapy are identified.
  • An awareness of what is interfering or maintaining the problem behavior.
  • New and more effective behavior is learned, practiced, and replaced.

Skills training classes 

  • Skills are taught on how to control, manage, and tolerate emotion; learning to communicate your needs and wants and/or learning to say “no” when asked to do something. Essentially learning to effectively communicate what you want and being “ok” if someone gets angry.

Consultation meeting for therapists

  • I meet with a team of other DBT therapists for consultation to ensure effective and compassionate treatment.

Phone coaching (if needed)

  • This is coaching that is provided for in-between sessions.


Depending on the needs of each client, treatment can be modified.

Fostering Mental Health Wellness

Our founder and licensed counselor, Kelly, understands the importance of mental health in living a balanced and fulfilling life. Kelly specializes in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a proven method that helps individuals manage intense emotions, enhance relationships, and develop effective coping strategies. Through various types of therapy sessions focused on mindfulness, emotional regulation, and communication skills, we provide the tools and support needed to navigate life's challenges and achieve lasting personal growth.

South Side DBT

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